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Tool Management


Tools are a part of the production and the mounting process. The process capability has to be assured - like for all other components of a process. One task of the quality assurance is to guarantee safe processes. The iQ-WZM (tool management) module supports the systematic entry of tools, the assembly, the constant monitoring regarding the process capability and the early initiation of repairs and the purchase of spare parts.

Master data of tools

Tool types are roughly distinguished in two classes: tools without an ident no. (consume material like drills, cutters etc.), and tools with an ident no. that are custom-made. In iQ-WZM tools without an ident no. are considered as a tool type.
Tools that have been manufactured for a production process according to a drawing usually only exist once and are called idents.
For one tool type an unlimited number of individual tools with their serial respectively inventory numbers can be registered in iQ-WZM.
Information that belongs to all tools is maintained on type level. This also applies to the history (e.g. tool type: new revision state of a drawing).

Master Data of Tool Types

edit tool type

Tool Characteristics

Because of the variety of tool types partly very different descriptions of characteristics are necessary.

To deal with the variety of tool types they are categorized in classes. The characteristics can freely be set up by the user. The possible entries for a characteristic are predetermined in catalogues within the iQ-GL module.

Tool Part List

The tool part list contains all material ids that are used in the tool assembly. The list is maintained directly together with the tool.

Printing of the Setup Paper

When printing tools that have to be assembled the print result consists of the drawing, the part list, and the setup parameters.

Relations between Workpieces and Machines

It is possible to create a list of materials (i.e. their id’s) that are handled with a special tool. Machines that are able to use the tool can also be written to a list. Materials and machines are maintained in iQ-GL.

Master Data of Ident Tools

The master data of each ident is recorded below the tool type. A typical field is the status: released, locked, ordered etc. Other data includes:

Purchasing Data

Tool type fields

Repair data

Dynamic data

The following dynamic data refers only to single tools. There are similarities to the dynamic data of the gauge management.

Interfaces to SAP R/3

Interface to R/3-PP; production utilities
Only "site" types are reported to PP. This means the description of the tool type contains a continuous number (001, 002 etc.) for each serial number. In other words: the tool is traced back to a tool type with the quantity one.
The master data is entered in iQ-WZM and after changing the status respectively creation of the data it is transferred to PP.

Interface to R/3 PM

The single tools are reported as equipment to the PM (analogue gauge management). Every change of the status is registered by the PM.

Tool History

For tools (that are not usual consumable materials such as borers) that can be reset in to a serviceable condition by maintenance, adjustment, and reconditioning the history of all operations has to be registered, e.g.: