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Gauge Management

Gauges are the technical basis for quality assurance. Miscalibrated gauges inevitably cause a production that deviates by this deficiency. The management of gauges sometimes changes dramatically from company to company. Economic considerations often are important and thus may lead to the employment of an external calibration service. The gauge-related modules of iQ-BASIS account for that and are designed to perform gauge-control with as less administrative effort as possible.


Every gauge management requires a smart way of registration and maintenance of the accompanied master data. In order to achieve maximum efficiency iQ-PMV organizes the gauges hierarchically into three levels: gauge classes, gauge types and individual gauges. Information that is entered on a superimposed level is automatically inherited by subordinate levels and can again be overwritten there to gain diversification. Furthermore all changes are recorded in a history for every single level.

Of course just recording the data is not enough to meet the requirements of a gauge management. In fact it is also essential to record and trace the typical movement actions and to shape the basis of a usage decision.

Overview of important features and tables

The gauge-class

The gauge-type

Defaults for term inspection in detail:

The individual gauge

Gauge organisation

Managed moving actions in detail:

Usage decision

Rental of gauges

Lists and evaluations

Interface to other modules