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Gauge Capability Analysis

Before using a gauge it must be ensured that any requirements for the gauge are fulfilled when it is under continuous usage. This is accomplished by performing complex capability analysis procedures that go far beyond simple calibration. Possible weaknesses in the context of the working environment, the influence of individual workers or the continuous usage of the gauge need to be excluded by several different methods. The following standards are considered in iQ-PMF: DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 10012, QS9000, and VDA 6.1. The development of the module itself has been based on the Series 10 papers (introduced by Bosch):

Procedure 1 Calculation of the dispersion and the average of the measured values

Procedure 2 Determination of the complete range of dispersion under the influence of users

Procedure 3 Determination of the complete range of dispersion without user influence

Procedure 4 Linearity

Procedure 5 Measurement stability

Procedure 6 Inspection process for qualitative characteristics


A capability analysis can include multiple characteristics. The data belonging to each characteristic builds the foundation for every procedure that is to be applied for the corresponding characteristic. Procedures 2 and 3 have procedure 1 as prerequisite. The capability analysis results are assigned to the single gauge. The worst result of all gauges of a type is assigned to the gauge type. This way it becomes a very easy task to find the appropriate gauge for a specific measuring job.

Important Features at a Glance

The gauge capability analysis considers:

Defaults for capability analysis

Characteristic-related data

Procedure 1

Determining the capability as Cgm and Cgmk

Procedure 2

Total range of dispersion in multi-worker situations

Procedure 3

Total range of dispersion without user influence

Procedure 4

Determination of linearity

Procedure 5

Measuring stability

Procedure 6

Qualitative inspections of parts that have been measured exactly

Import interface

Interfaces to Other iQ-BASIS Modules